“Become who you are by learning who you are.”
“Mind Candy” is a representation of three core principles I believe in:
Curiosity is a super power and through it, one can find what they need in life.
Wisdom is attained through experimentation by following the curious path and applying the knowledge learned.
True fulfillment in life comes not from the external things we gain but from the internal states we maintain through subtle shifts in our thinking.
From internal change comes external results.
Mind Candy has become a way for me to build a community of like-minded individuals who are in the pursuit of what the Greeks called eudaimonia which roughly translates to happiness or human flourishing.
Each month, we tackle a new theme that impacts our daily lives. Built within each week of the month is a topic we explore to better understand life and how to navigate it in the 21st century.
I hope to see you on this journey in exploring the good life.
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A big thank you—seriously—from me. More than anything else in life, time is our most valuable asset. I am grateful for you spending your time with me, my words, and thoughts—I do not take the commitment lightly.
About me
I’m a lover of practical philosophy, history, and psychology. The world is a fascinating place to me and the more I explore it, the more my appreciation for its intricacies grows.
In 2018, I started the brand The Stoic Within to help spread the wisdom of Stoic philosophy and its benefits in dealing with the stresses of the modern world. Now grown to over 60K followers online, I wanted to expand that initial project, creating the Mind Candy publication as a way to bring practical philosophy to modern living.
What subscribers say
As virtue is its own reward, so is vice its own punishment: for he who lives too fast is quickly through, and in double sense: while he who rests in virtue, never dies. For the life of the spirit becomes life of the body, and the life lived well gathers unto itself not only fullness of days, but even length.”
Baltasar Gracián