Negative Emotions
The beautiful thing about Stoic philosophy is the advice contained within it is just as applicable today as it was when it was first written all those many years ago. We can learn a great deal from interpreting the advice provided and using it to our advantage as we go throughout our own lives.
Today’s quote comes to us courtesy of Seneca, Moral Letters, Letter 14:
“Next, we must follow the old adage and avoid three things with special care: hatred, jealousy, and scorn.”
Stoicism does not mean suppressing or avoiding emotions. It is about receiving them and properly digesting them, avoiding self-destructive behaviors and tendencies that arise from them. Hatred, Jealousy, and scorn are some of the most powerful emotions and they tend to have a lingering effect. Learn to receive these emotions, which are natural, and then disband them. Center yourself and remind yourself that your life is your life and the goal of your life is to be the best version of you that you can be. These emotions are noise to the sound of living in accord with Nature.
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