Hi all,
Welcome to another edition of Sweet Bites, Mind Candy’s bite-sized newsletter with thought-provoking finds to send you into the weekend with.
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🦉 Wisdom
“Poor is the apprentice who does not surpass his Master.”
Leonardo da Vinci
📚 This Week’s Monday Meditation
💡 Concept
In this clip, Simon Sinek discusses one of the biggest things he learned from his experiences with one of his mentors.
Hint: It has to do with how one treats their relationships.
✏️ This Week’s Wednesday Wisdom
🛠️ Tactic #1
In the below video, Robert Greene talks about what he believes leads to one’s greatest chances at success in life. In it, he talks about mentors and how they help one find success.
🦉 Wisdom #2
“To learn by example is to submit to authority. You follow your master because you trust his manner of doing things even when you cannot analyze and account in detail for its effectiveness. By watching the master and emulating his efforts... the apprentice unconsciously picks up the rules of the art, including those which are not explicitly known to the master himself.”
Michael Polanyi
🛠️ Tactic #2
On this episode of the Huberman Lab Podcast, Andrew Huberman interviews Tim Ferriss on his mentors and how he chooses his them.
Like Simon Sinek above, Ferriss also looks at it from a perspective of friendship.
In the clip, Ferriss also talks about how he uses his mentors as role models in situations and thinks ‘how would this person act (or react) in a situation like this?’
🛠️ Tactic #3
Alex Hormozi breaks down what he looks for when he looks for a partner or mentor.
🏋🏻 Exercise
In this clip, Steve Harvey discusses a key to finding a mentor. It’s not about asking someone to fish for you, it’s about asking someone to teach you how to fish. If you can do this, the world will open with people willing to help.
Until next time,
D.A. DiGerolamo
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