Welcome to Wednesday’s 3x3 Wisdom Newsletter where I attempt to distill and share worldly advice for better living.
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“You have to go through your life replacing your thoughtless bad habits with good ones, making a commitment to be a happier person. At the end of the day, you are a combination of your habits and the people who you spend the most time with”
-Naval Ravikant, The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
Habits are the bedrock of our actions. Each and every day, we perform some habit, good or bad. But how often do we actually review the habits we’ve formed? If our happiness in life is dependent upon our daily habits, what habits are worth eliminating?
What is one habit that, if incorporated into your life right now, would 10X your happiness?
“People don't just believe dumb things; they actively resist further learning rather than let go of those beliefs.”
-Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise
Our beliefs form throughout our lives yet how often do we actually think about where they came from or how they have evolved? We evolve every day. Our lives are a constant state of change. As we as individuals change, shouldn’t our beliefs as new information becomes available?
How often do you put your beliefs to the test to see how valid they are?
“First, we are called to rise above our fear and cowardice. Next, we are called to bravery, over the elements, over the odds, over our limitations. Finally, we are called to heroism, perhaps for only just a single magnificent moment, when we are called to do something for someone other than ourselves.”
-Ryan Holiday, Courage is Calling
Life presents obstacles on a daily basis—we can either rise to them or allow them to rule over us. But once we take the step, once we commit to overcoming the obstacle, we not only have developed courage to overcome, we’ve proven to ourselves that we, even for a minute, are brave and are prepared to fight to make it through the obstacle.
If fear leads to avoidance, but overcoming that fear could lead to greatness, what belief within you is holding you back from taking the leap?