Mind Candy is a newsletter on practical philosophy and human flourishment—aka how to live “the good life.” Each month we tackle a new theme.
This month we’re exploring the theme of adversity.
Welcome to Wednesday Wisdom, our 3x3 Newsletter where I distill worldly advice for better living with 3 quotes, 3 observations, and 3 questions.
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🤨 Quote
“The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.”
Source: Nicomachean Ethics
Observation 🧐
Adversity is the storm of life we all must face.
You will have your heart broken
You will be stressed about finances
You will deal with sick family members
You will face moments of insecurity
You will experience loss
These and many other things will happen to each of us. They are a part of life.
But knowing that they will arrive is half the battle.
So if you anticipate their arrival, you can train yourself to rise to them rather than be knocked down by them.
The simple truth is, the only way to truly overcome adversity is by tackling it head on. It’s about experiencing it, trying to work through it, and learning. Each scenario is different, each requires different tactics to get through.
But it is these moments that define not only who we are, but the lives we want to live.
When the call comes, when adversity strikes, how do we respond?
We don’t control all the situations we’re placed in, but we can control our response to them.
🤔 Question
When life knocks you down, how do you recover?
🤨 Quote
“It is just in this war, my friend, that the victory over self is of all victories the first and best while self-defeat is of all defeats at once the worst and the most shameful. For these phrases signify that a war against self exists within each of us.”
Source: Laws
Observation 🧐
Blind discipline does us no good. If we don’t know why we are disciplining ourselves in certain situations, we hinder ourselves from experiencing life.
Maybe we’re the type of person who needs discipline to diet and it is from this discipline we’re able to workout and stay in shape.
But others may not need this level of discipline. They may be able to eat whatever they want and still be disciplined enough to stay in shape and workout.
Each of us is unique and the discipline we create for ourselves is also unique. Each of us is fighting a war with ourselves that is only applicable to us.
If we hold discipline for discipline’s sake, we’re just hindering ourselves.
Being able to conquer ourselves requires an awareness of ourselves.
Know thyself as the ancient saying goes.
We try to control the world but it is us who we need to control first and foremost.
If we don’t, we end up fighting a war both internally against ourselves as well as externally with whatever we face.
🤔 Question
How do you stop yourself from comparing your actions to those of others?
Beneath the paywall this week we explore the wisdom of Epictetus. Click below to support and get access.